The Rustbelt CFAR is committed to training of new investigators. Our innovative and comprehensive strategic plan is based on joint leadership for all the CFAR cores in order to expand our user base and exchange advanced technology.
The Cores of the RUSTBELT CFAR have the following Specific Aims:
Specific Aim 1: Provide scientific and administrative leadership to position the RUSTBELT CFAR at the forefront of HIV research (Administrative Core A).
Specific Aim 2: Conduct a responsive pilot grant program that accelerates junior faculty development and supports the next generation of HIV investigators (Developmental Core B).
Specific Aim 3: Support cutting-edge international research in Uganda Core C.
Specific Aim 4: Support state-of-the-art clinical research (Clinical Sciences Core D).
Specific Aim 5: Maintain a translational and basic research infrastructure to support innovative multidisciplinary HIV research (Viral Pathogenesis & Persistence Core E; Systems Biology & Biostatistics Core F).