Dr. Catherine Chappell, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
Rustbelt CFAR Role: Sex & Gender Scientific Working Group Co-LeaderDr. Catherine Chappell is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. She has completed fellowships in Reproductive Infectious Diseases and Complex Family Planning. She is a clinical researcher that aims to optimize prevention and treatment strategies of chronic viral infection such as HIV and hepatitis C virus among for reproductive aged women. She specifically focuses on the impact of exogenous hormones for contraception on HIV disease as well as evaluating the safety and efficacy of direct acting antivirals for the treatment of hepatitis C virus during pregnancy.
Email: chappellca@upmc.edu
Phone: +1 412-641-1403
University of Pittsburgh
300 Halket Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
United States
Email Groups
Email Group Address | Description |
cfarpittcalls@rustbeltcfar.org | Rustbelt CFAR Pitt Internal Calls |
cfarpittmembers@rustbeltcfar.org | Rustbelt CFAR Pitt Members |
cfarehe@rustbeltcfar.org | Rustbelt CFAR Ending the HIV Epidemic SWG |
cfarsg@rustbeltcfar.org | Rustbelt CFAR HIV Across the Lifespan SWG |