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Solicitation for HIV/AIDS-Related Core Usage Grants with particular focus on the theme of the Rustbelt CFAR HIV Across the Lifespan and Ending the HIV Epidemic

The RUSTBELT CFAR is inviting applications for Core Usage Awards in the following areas, with a particular focus on the theme of the Rustbelt CFAR: HIV Across the Lifespan and Ending the HIV Epidemic:

  1. Novel approaches to prevent HIV infection
  2. HIV persistence and viral latency
  3. NeuroAIDS including substance use
  4. Antiretroviral therapy and drug resistance
  5. Basic science focused on viral pathogenesis, host-protein interactions, and drug discovery

Application Criteria:

  • All investigators are welcome and eligible
  • Early career investigators (Senior Research Associates, Instructors, Assistant Professors) will receive preferential consideration
  • Core usage between institutions is highly encouraged and expected
  • All applications must propose use of at least one RUSTBELT CFAR Core:
    • Core C: Uganda
    • Core D: Clinical Sciences
    • Core E: Viral Pathogenesis and Persistence
    • Core F: Systems Biology and Biostatistics

Please establish feasibility with the CFAR Core Directors before submitting.

Budget and Project Period: 5 awards up to $10,000 will be funded to support requested Core Services

Key Dates:
RFA Closing Date: July 21, 2023
Applications Due and Peer Review: On a rolling basis

Required Application Components and Application Format: 

  • Budget and Budget Justification
  • NIH biosketches for key personnel
  • Proposal Narrative (sections A – C, 1-page total)
    A. Specific Aim
    B. Significance & Innovation
    C. Research Design and Methods
    D. References Cited (not included in page limit)

Submission: All proposals must be submitted electronically via email, as a single PDF file, to Rose Davis at or Michelle Leszczewski at

Questions: Please contact Dr. Alan Levine ( or Dr. Nicolas Sluis-Cremer ( with any questions.

PDF Document
Solicitation inviting applications for Core Usage Awards with a particular focus on the theme of the Rustbelt CFAR: HIV Across the Lifespan and Ending the HIV Epidemic (Download) 2023-05-15275.08 KB