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Joshua Cyktor, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Rustbelt CFAR Role: University of Pittsburgh CFAR Core E: Viral Pathogenesis and Persistence Associate Director
Josh Cyktor, PhD is an immunovirologist with ten years of experience planning, conducting, directing, and analyzing translational research to achieve an HIV cure. He is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and serves as the Co-Director of the Pitt Virology Specialty Laboratory under the direction and mentorship of John Mellors, MD. Josh has previously served as an elected member of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Inflammation and End-Organ Disease Transformative Science Group (TSG), and currently serves on the HIV Reservoirs and Remission TSG. Josh is sole protocol team virologist on several ACTG studies and has served or continues to serve as co-virologist, investigator, or consultant on additional ACTG Cure TSG protocols. He has extensive experience with the most sensitive virologic and immunologic assays, as well as their associated logistical and budgetary aspects, and his personal research focuses on immune modulations that impact the HIV reservoir.


Phone: +1 412-648-8393
University of Pittsburgh
3550 Terrace St.
Scaife Hall A807
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261
United States