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Urvi Parikh, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine

Rustbelt CFAR Role: University of Pittsburgh CFAR Core C: Uganda Core Director
Urvi Parikh, PhD is a translational virologist, whose work focuses on investigating HIV drug resistance with the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection. She is an Associate Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, Co-Director of the Rustbelt CFAR Uganda Core C and Co-Director of the ACTG Virology Specialty Lab. Dr. Parikh has extensive international experience, including working with labs throughout Sub-Saharan Africa to support testing for clinical studies, strengthen capacity for HIV drug resistance testing, and provide technical assistance to validate new assays. Her lab conducts cloning and next generation sequencing of clinical samples and assessing activity of a broad range of antiretroviral inhibitors against various HIV-1 subtypes and recombinant gene targets in TZM-bl cell and tissue culture assays. She is excited to help new investigators at Pitt and Case develop and expand their HIV research in Uganda.


Phone: +1 412-648-3103
University of Pittsburgh
3550 Terrace St.
Scaife Hall S830
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261
United States