HIV Across the Lifespan
The directors of HIV Across the Lifespan Scientific Working Group (SWG) are Catherine Chappell of Pitt and Cheryl Cameron of CWRU.
The goal of the SWG is to engage CFAR members in research involving HIV across the lifespan, through all stages of life from conception to death. This will involve monthly meetings to increase knowledge base HIV across the lifespan, catalyzing new research, and integrating lifespan considerations in existing research. The focus will be on three opportunity areas already identified: (i) The impact of HIV disease on chronic comorbidities (cardiovascular disease, neurocognitive decline, and metabolic disease); (ii) How age, duration of HIV disease, and mechanism of HIV acquisition impacts HIV-associated immune activation, latency reversal and viral persistence; and (iii) The effect of age and polypharmacy on antiretroviral medication pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
To facilitate incorporation of lifespan considerations in HIV research, the SWG has 3 specific aims:
- To engage CFAR members in research involving HIV research across the lifespan in HIV through monthly virtual meetings
a. synergy sessions with new investigators, established investigators, and a senior mentor
b. think-tanks where local and regional experts will be invited to give a seminar to infuse new ideas and methodology into the research theme - To facilitate incorporation of lifespan considerations in HIV research
a. New pilot projects focused on HIV across the lifespan
b. Incorporation of age, duration of HIV disease and mechanism of HIV acquisition into established projects - To coordinate junior mentorship program
a. Scientific teams (junior and senior members) will be created with focus on lifespan considerations